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Tems of use by the North-transdanubian Water Directorate
The North-Transdanubian Water Directorate (ÉDUVIZIG, Directorate) in its operational area, sells permissions for primary dikes’ crest to be used for targeted transport exclusively via online. The system provided by an external service provider. From 01 January 2023, it will no longer be possible to purchase permits directly from the Directorate.
The area of validity of the permits do not overlap and can be divided into three areas, as shown on the attached map. All licences are valid until 31 January of the following year, irrespective of the date of purchase. Licences can only be obtained on the basis of a registration number for vehicles up to 3.5 t, otherwise an individual contract claim must be submitted to the Directorate ( Licences are checked by representatives of the Police, Győr City Police and the Directorate. The uniquely numbered, authentic document can be presented digitally or printed. The validity can be checked by licence plate number, so that illegal use can be traced back afterwards, e.g. by photo or video.
On the primary dike crests managed by ÉDUVIZIG, the use of bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, animal-drawn vehicles and horseback is free of charge, as far as the user observes the general rules and conditions of the traffic on dikes. Direct transverse traffic on the embankment ramps is also unrestricted, without using the longitudinal crown. For other information and conditions of use, please refer to the authorisations and the accompanying documents. Detailed descriptions available in Hungarian:
Legal references:
In order to protect against water damage, the water management organisation is responsible for the tasks listed in Article 16 (1) - (4) of Act LVII of 1995 on Water Management. The gravel stabilisation at the crest of the flood protection embankments in the property of ÉDUVIZIG is essentially intended to maintain the protection works and ensure flood protection. According to the Government Decree 147/2010 (IV. 29.) on the general rules for activities and facilities for the utilisation, protection and damage prevention of water: 38. § (2) The crest protection on embankments not intended for road traffic and shall meet the conditions established by the embankment manager for the maintenance of the embankment and the operational requirements of protection and water management; (3) Only bicycle traffic and traffic related to maintenance, flood protection and nature conservation management shall be allowed on flood protection embankments not intended for road traffic. Any traffic exceeding the criteria set out in paragraph (2) shall be subject to the specific consent of the flood protection embankment manager.
General provisions:
The main function of primary flood protection lines is to guarantee the safety of populated (saved) areas behind embankments against flooding, i.e. to protect the population and their property. In addition, other limited welfare uses of the crests of the embankments are allowed during periods when there is no actual flood protection. Our dikes are designed to meet flood protection objectives, as is the level of maintenance. In adverse weather conditions, travel on the levee crest can be hazardous. The staff of the Water Management Directorate regularly drive their service vehicles on the embankment crest in order to carry out their basic tasks of inspection and surveillance in maintaining flood protection safety. Other dike users are obliged to take note of this and to ensure unhindered passage where necessary. They must also comply with the instructions of the water management staff.
Conditions of eligibility:
1. In all cases, priority must be given to the vehicles of the ÉDUVIZIG in order to carry out the tasks of the section. A member of the ÉDUVIZIG staff is authorised to check that the embankment is being used in accordance with the rules and to direct or stop road users.
2. Our Administration ensures the passage of single-track vehicle and pedestrian traffic through the embankment, which is closed by a barrier or other means, but no animal-drawn vehicles are allowed. In order to carry out specialised tasks or for other reasons, the ÉDUVIZIG may temporarily or permanently withdraw sections of embankment from public use, where pedestrian traffic or traffic by any means is prohibited.
3. During the year, ÉDUVIZIG may restrict or prohibit traffic on the embankment at any time, regardless of authorisation, in order to maintain the protection of the embankments, for maintenance work or for other purposes.
4. The embankment’s crest is not a public road! Driving on the embankment is an increased hazard. The rules of the Highway Code (KRESZ) must be observed. Always drive according to the conditions. The maximum speed limit is 40 km/h.
5. Care should be taken to avoid increased dust formation. The crown width of the majority of bollards is 3.0 m or narrower, and therefore special attention should be paid to oncoming traffic.
6. In rainy weather, it is forbidden to drive on a wet embankment without pavement! It is forbidden to open the dampers by force! It is forbidden to bypass the barrier on the embankment!
7. It is forbidden to drive on the embankment slope, pavement and protection lane, or to park on any other part of the embankment outside the crest. Temporary stopping on the embankment crest is only allowed without obstructing traffic!
8. During an operative flood protection activity, only those performing protection duties are allowed to be present on the embankment
9. The user of the dike crest can only drive on the embankment at his own risk. The user may only be in the floodplain and waterfront forests at his/her own risk due to dead trees, beaver bark, etc. ÉDUVIZIG accepts no liability for any accident, damage to means of transport or live animals, or personal injury.
10. The user of the dike crest must immediately report any damage caused to the embankment or its accessories during transport and repair or compensate the damage in a manner agreed with ÉDUVIZIG. In the event of failure to do so, ÉDUVIZIG shall have the work carried out at the expense of the user of the fill. If the damage caused by the dam user is more serious or if the damage is caused intentionally, the dam user will be prosecuted for a misdemeanour or a criminal offence.
11. The embankment user must not damage the shore, the bank protection pavement or vegetation.
12. If the dike user fails to comply with the requirements laid down in the relevant legislation and the permit, the guard or the authorised inspector may stop the dike traffic and the ÉDUVIZIG may initiate the offence procedure pursuant to Act II of 2012 on offences, the offence procedure and the offence registration system (§ 246. Offences relating to flood and inland water protection)
13. The permission itself is conclusive evidence of compliance with the conditions of the licence.
14. If you notice pollutants floating on the surface, fish mortality, sudden and rapid changes in the water status (changes in water colour, smell, foaming, unusual behaviour of fish) or abnormalities, damage or illegal use of the watercourses along the embankment, or of the water management structures, please notify the permanent technical assistance of ÉDUVIZIG at +36-30/959-4388.
Areas completely closed to traffic:
• Rába bp.: 0+000 – 0+400 tkm (Rába Quelle területe)
• Rába jp.: 0+000 – 0+700 tkm (Kossuth híd – Rába Kettős híd)
• Mosoni-Duna jp.: 3+500 – 4+235 (Volt Vagongyár mögötti, magasparti erdős terület)
Territorial restrictions:
Exceptions to the general traffic permit are the following embankment sections, where only pedestrian or cyclist traffic is allowed, subject to the provision of specialised water management services:
• Duna jp.: 0+000 – 2+009 tkm (Károlyháza – Vének; torkolati mű)
• Mosoni-Duna bp.: 10+200 – 12+553 tkm (Győr, Kócsag utca – Kálóczy tér)
• Mosoni-Duna bp.: 12+692 – 12+960 tkm (Kálóczy tér – Bahnhof rampa)
• Mosoni-Duna bp.: 13+365 - 15+776 tkm (Püspökerdei lejáró – Újfalusi rampa)
• Mosoni-Duna jp.: 6+117 - 11+063 tkm (Jedlik híd - Rábca árvízkapu)
• Mosoni-Duna jp.: 4+900 - 6+100 tkm (Város rét lakópark – Kossuth híd)
• Rába jp.: 0+700 - 1+168 tkm (Rába Kettős híd - Mamma Mia)
• Rába bp.: 0+791 – 1+168 tkm (Petőfi híd - Jakobinus utcai rampa)
• Rába bp.: 0+400 – 0+523 tkm (Rába Quelle – Rába Kettős híd)
The sections of the embankment system that can be used for traffic with a valid licence in the area of operation of ÉDUVIZIG are as follows, which are also shown on the map:
Hansági Headquarter:
• ·Rábca jp. 0+000-29+741 tkm (Rábca árvízkaputól 86-os útig)
• ·Rábca bp. 0+000-30+667 tkm (Rábca árvízkaputól 86-os útig)
• ·Mosoni-Duna jp. 11+063-33+200 tkm (Rábca árvízkapu – Mecsér)
Szigetközi Headquarter:
• Duna jp. 0+000-53+085 tkm (Vének-Dunakiliti V. zsilip)
• Dunakiliti duzzasztómű területére külön engedély váltható
• Mosoni-Duna bp. 0+000-10+200 tkm (Vének-Győr, Kócsag utca)
• Mosoni-Duna bp.:12+940-13+365 tkm (Bahnhof rampa-Püspökerdei lejáró)
• Mosoni-Duna bp.:15+776-35+695 tkm (Újfalusi rampa-Dunaszentpál)
Rábai Headquarter:
• Rába jp. 2+165 – 83+962 tkm (Győr GySEV hídtól a Sárvár GySEV vasúti töltésig).
• Rába bp. 2+100 – 83+621 tkm (GySEV hídtól Sárvár 84. sz. útig)
• Marcal bp. 0+000 – 17+800 tkm (torkolattól a mórichidai közúti hídig)
• Marcal jp. felső 0+000 – 4+593 tkm (Bakony-értől a magaspartig)
• Marcal bp. 0+000 – 17+800 tkm (torkolattól a közúti hídig)
• Répce-árapasztó bp. 0+000–10+773 tkm (torkolattól a 8614 sz. közútig).
• Répce-árapasztó jp. 0+000 – 9+665 tkm (torkolattól a magaspartig).
Tatai Headquarter:
• Duna jp. 1+100 - 1+800 tkm (7-es számú tározótól - MOL-LUB telephelyig)
• Duna jp. 5+200 - 6+100 tkm (almásfüzitői csónakháztól - almásfüzitői gátőrházig)
• Duna jp. 7+050 - 11+150 tkm (Stadion úti rampától- komáromi szennyvízátemelőig)